Poledeon Fraternity
Origin of Poledeon
Early in the school term of 1915-1916, nine residents of the Lindgren House founded the Poledeon Club. They wanted to unite themselves into a closer bond of friendship while maintaining a high scholastic standard and promoting the interests of the University. Poledeon is a combination of Hindu words meaning “we must work, we must persevere and we must bear patiently for continued success.”
Homer Clyde Myers was the founder and first president of the Club. Under his leadership, the original nine added to their numbers until, in May 1916, they felt they were strong enough to become a recognized organization. At this time, a formal announcement dinner was held. Among those in attendance was Dean Holgate of the College of Liberal Arts.
Arrangements were made with the Trustees of the University, and the members of the Poledeon Club took over part of the Hinman House. Twenty rooms and a fourth-floor club room in that facility were leased to the Club. The University spent $1,000 in remodeling the fourth floor of the Hinman House for the use of the Poledean Club.
On January 6, 1917, the members of the Poledeon Club were installed as Alpha-Iota Zeta by Grand High Alpha Warren A. Cole, the founder of the fraternity. Alpha-Iota Zeta was the 29th Chapter of the fledgling national fraternity and the 10th on Northwestern’s Campus.